When waste come back to life

The objects revived of the title are made from waste, scraps and from parts which have been used and were supposed to simply become rubbish. They were created by reusing and recycling old objects, but that doesn't mean that they don't have their personal beauty. On the contrary, their charm is poetically enriched by their imperfection, by signs of their past life and by the memory of what they were, sometimes partly declared and sometimes hidden.
From fashion to interior decoration items, the book presents a range of different pieces worked out by those artists who the writer herself defines as "resurrection designers" and of those who are able to give back life and dignity to scraps and waste.
This need to reuse was not caused by need and lack of commodities, but by surplus and the attempt to meet the requirements of our hyper-consumer society where pollution and waste disposal problems become more and more urgent.
Plastic bottles are turned into light screens, vases and hooks. Small glass scraps are made into lamps. Recycled paper and cardboard are transformed into unusual lampshades and pieces of furniture.
As we can see, the new recycling aesthetics provides and endless range of possibilities.

Cristina Morozzi
Oggetti risorti. Quando i rifiuti prendono vita
Edizioni Costa & Nolan, Milano 1998
Text by:
Gloria Refini


