Over the years, by now more than ten, Domodinamica has developped its idea of creating and realising animated design objects for the house.

With its products, Domodinamica is currently venturing ever more inside the home, whilst never failing to combine the playful aspect with a stringent design and touch of magic to give them that quality of surprise.

The Stand created by Studio Cerri Associati, using exclusively natural materials; indeed the floor and side-walls are in larch-wood. The bottom wall with its expositive step all around looking-glasses coated emphasize the products make them tridimensional. The space, illuminated with reflected light, transfers to the ambient a very soft and suggestive atmosphere. The white and red models, like in a fashion parade, appear the only actors on the stage.

About edition 2006 of International Furniture Fair Domodinamica presents the following new products:

Luca Scacchetti signs Ellecollection, chairs and tables for many and various charming and modern furnishing. The chair's project - particular with two only legs joining in a square base - evidences the extraordinary design. The finishing in chromed steel offers to program a surprising touch of excellence and essentiality, peculiar of products appointed to let a trace. Ellecollection furnishes and characterizes the dining room of the house or restaurant. The different types of chairs, with arms or not, with high or low sitting, are able to satisfy the different furnishing exigences. The covering can be in leather or fabric and made with profiles tracing the outline of sitting also in different colours.

Luca Scacchetti again with Easy Sleep tests the design in sofa-bed. Starting from a very easy and genial idea: the hand opened and the hand closed. The sofa can be covered in fabric and finished in leather. It is proposed in different dimensions in order to obtain a single or double version. Inside can be completed by a sheet-bag.

Rodrigo Torres confirms the originality of his feature with Mist Table, ingenious in its arrangement semplicity, able to be a table for all requests. The use of joints just realised and arranged permits to the table to be different in width as well as in hight. Here the essential and charming product that all would like to create and that Domodinamica is succeeded in realising.

The introduction goes on with consolidates products of Domodinamica line: Vitesse by Denis Santachiara: cult product of last edition of Milano's Exhibition, Duna and Mist by Rodrigo Torres, Morfeo – designed by Stefano Giovannoni and Rodrigo Torres –, Calla designed by Stefano Giovannoni, Popi Pop by Augusto Quattrino. These and many others sole pieces during these years have called the public's attention to Domodinamica collection rewarding its creative design for coherence and originality in research.

 Further info about older products are available in MIFF 2005  

Via Molise, 23
40060 Osteria Grande (BO) Italy
Tel. +39(051)94.58.96 - 694.19.11

 INDEX 2006 

in cooperation with:
Mariagiulia Graniti